What we offer

Our services

Recruitment and selection are defined processes organizations use to find and hire employees. Before hiring an applicant for a job position, Calm Consult goes through a step-by-step hiring process. We go through phases which include; planning, recruitment, and employee selection. Calm Consult enlists or enrols employees, especially for higher-level jobs. We also use social networking sites and LinkedIn to recruit, in addition to using traditional means of recruiting like posting help wanted ads in newspapers and social media and listing jobs online. Calm Consult considers several key factors to ensure that businesses not only comply with internal policies but also with local, state and federal regulations.

Calm Consult considers several key factors to ensure that businesses not only comply with internal policies but also with local, state and federal regulations.

step 1

Job description

Before starting a recruitment and selection process, job descriptions should be defined for each role in the organization. Each job description should include the skills and education required to perform each role successfully, as well as a detailed list of responsibilities. Job descriptions allow employees to understand their roles and responsibilities, and also provide a tool for hiring personnel to use when choosing the most qualified candidates based on the requirements of the job.

step 2

Policies and procedures

Are clearly defined and adhered to for the recruiting and selection process, and we ensure that everyone in the organization adheres to local, state and federal regulations. These policies provide a list of guiding principles for hiring personnel to follow, and procedures should provide the required steps for recruitment and selection.

step 3


Calm Consult ensures that hiring managers and supervisors are trained regarding the requirements of the process. Training includes only those steps required to recruit and select employees, to interview candidates appropriately and effectively They also include applicable laws and regulations, together with the organization’s goals.

step 4


Calm consult involves the human resources department, responsible for making high-level decisions for the organization. This is done by including a senior member in the interview process to oversee and ensure the process is being completed to meet the expectations of the organization.

We are fully certified

Certificate of Incorporation: 232047

PPDA Certificate of Registration: PRV/SRVCS/16023/JUN/17

Trade License Certificate: COIN: 0012398929

Tin 1010404266

Who we serve

Our customized Business Support Services and HR solutions target any organization or individuals that have an interest to operate in Africa either for short or long term without having a need for physical presence. These organizations include;

  • Multi-national companies
  • International Development agencies
  • International NGOs
  • International philanthropy and relief agencies
  • Diaspora community
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